Sometimes, when the obligations and responsibilities of adulthood are inescapable, I enjoy enhancing said obligations with an array of podcasts. At work they are a great distraction from the clock, and at the gym thy drown out the top 40 pap. A favorite that I invite into my ear-sockets on a regular basis is the Nerd Lunch podcast, hosted by CT, Pax and Jeeg, three self-professed nerds who discuss a variety of topics with a rotating fourth chair guest. Naturally, I was chuffed when Nerd Lunch invited me on to discuss Doctor Who. (Please note, I only use chuffed here to reflect the Britishness of the episode topic.)
Not being Doctor Who fans, Pax and Jeeg opted out of the episode, so CT invited Kay from the FANgirl blog, and myself on to dissect the past 10 years of Doctor Who.
If you’re a fan of Doctor Who give it a listen:
I’ve wanted to give podcasting a try ever since seeing Pump up the Volume in 1990. Of course, back then it was called pirate radio and it was somewhat more illegal, but still, the idea of broadcasting my two-cents appealed to me. This episode was a great way to get my feet wet, and so I thank Nerd Lunch for the opportunity.
Maybe a Junk Fed podcast is in the future.

Recommended reading:
Kay contemplates the appeal of Doctor Who in her article, Way Less New to Doctor Who
Talk Junk