Podcast Episode 3: Star Wars Guys and Krazy Glue

For as long as I’ve known him, conversations with Mike Cooper usually devolve into talks about vintage Star Wars figures. In this episode, we commit one such conversation to podcast and compare experiences with our glue-happy fathers and their involvement in our star wars collecting.


Mike’s Puke-Custed, Party-Fest, Sewer Luke Skywalker™ and rare Cloth Cape Darth Vader.

My glued down collection of Empire Strikes Back trading cards.

My dad was a Topps Trading Card counterfeiter.
My dad was a Topps Trading Card counterfeiter.

TIE Interceptor trapped in amber.

My dad was proud enough of his coloring job to sign and date it. Show off!
My dad was proud enough of his coloring job to sign and date it. Show off!


It is possible to watch Star Wars as it appeared in 1977.

More on Star Wars figures vs a glue-happy dad

A Walrus Man by Any Other Name

Talk Junk