Halloween came in a box when I was growing up. Or at least, most of my Halloween costumes did. The moment the first leaf…
It’s no secret that I’m fond of revisiting my past. Recently, this temporal wanderlust was prompted by my taste buds. A sudden craving for one…
American media is riddled with sales pitches that promise immediately gratifying health, happiness, and satisfaction. As intended, this kind of manipulation certainly worked on…
Sometimes, as I fade off to sleep, I revisit settings from my childhood. I’m able to conjure up places where I’ve lived with such…
My household was late to the cable television game, so in the late 1970s and early 80s I took what I could get cartoon-wise.…
When channel surfing, Jaws is one of those movies that always knocks me off of my surfboard. No matter how far into the movie…
In the lean days before home video releases of the Star Wars films, television appearances by the folks from the galaxy far, far away…
Aside from the presence of the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, most of the unrest in the Star Wars universe is generally attributed…
Having just returned from the arcade with his father, Aaron bounded up the flight of stairs that separated our apartments breathless and eager to…